Market Research Society Company Partner

Relish Agency LTD is the administrator of Try.Love.Buy. Relish Agency LTD is a Market Research Society Company Partner. The Market Research Society is the largest professional research body in the UK, whose aim is to regulate and continuously improve the research sector. As a Company Partner, we are obligated to conduct research to high standards such as ensuring informed consent to take part in research and ensuring the anonymity of results. 

The MRS Code of Conduct 2023

The MRS Code of Conduct 2023 was released in May 2023 and comes into full effect on 15th August 2023. The main points of the code are:

1. Ensure that their professional activities can be understood in a transparent manner.

2. Be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships.

3. Be transparent as to the subject and purpose of data collection.

4. Ensure that their professional activities are not used to unfairly influence views and opinions of participants.

5. Respect the confidentiality of information collected in their professional activities.

6. Respect the rights and well-being of all individuals.

7. Ensure that individuals are not harmed or adversely affected by their professional activities.

8. Balance the needs of individuals, clients, and their professional activities.

9. Exercise independent professional judgement in the design, conduct and reporting of their professional activities.

10. Ensure that their professional activities are conducted by persons with appropriate training, qualifications and experience.

11. Protect the reputation and integrity of the profession.

12. Take responsibility for promoting and reinforcing the principles and rules of the MRS Code of Conduct.

Full details of the revised 2023 code of conduct can be found here:

What does it mean for you? 

It means that as a participant in one of our research surveys, you will get clear instructions on how to consent to take part and how your feedback will be used. You can be reassured that feedback and results gathered from research are analysed confidentially and anonymously. If you have any concerns about taking part in research with us, the MRS provides an independent body with which to speak and seek guidance. 

Contacting the MRS

If you have any concerns as a participant in a Try.Love.Buy survey that you do not feel has been satisfactorily resolved by us, you can contact the MRS for more support here

I’m launching a product;  how do I get involved?

Wonderful. is administered by Relish Agency. Get in touch with us here to discuss your sampling and feedback options. 


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MRS Code of Conduct
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Administered by Relish Agency LTD
Part of Whistl Group
Generator Building, Finzels Reach
Counterslip, Bristol
BS1 6BX 
Registered in England and Wales: 11456907